Monday 9 March 2015

A Noctis in Arboribus

Since that Camper found me so easily, I decided, instead of just sleeping on the ground as per usual, to climb into one of the tallest trees around and sleep in the branches like a sloth.

Finding a sturdy branch, I wrapped my arms and legs around it and hung from it, enjoying the soft breeze, and shortly thereafter drifted into a dreamless sleep.

However, after maybe an hour or two, I was awoken by the distant rustling of leaves, as if footsteps were approaching me.  I shrugged it off until the movement stopped by the tree next to mine, and was then followed by the sound of claws on wood, as I presumed some creature was climbing the tree next to mine.

Once the sound stopped, I turned to look at where the source of the noise would roughly be, and, to my surprise, beheld the form of my high school friend, the Rake.

I greeted him, and he expressed shock at my presence, but his tone changed from shock to dismay as I recounted my recent situation to him.

"The saddest part is," he then whispered, "that the same thing happened to me just this morning."

"We should travel together, then," I replied, "maybe we could start to fight back if we did."

He agreed, and so we decided to sleep more, figuring that we could get a move on in the morning.

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